Sunday, June 25, 2006
garden residents
- asparagus
- balm, lemon
- blackberry, wild
- blueberry, brightwell
- blueberry, climax
- blueberry, early rabbiteye
- blueberry, tifblue
- blueberry, wild high bush
- blueberry, wild low bush
- chives, wild
- crisanthemum, edible
- comfrey
- egyptian walking onion
- fig, brown turkey
- henbit
- lemongrass
- mint, chocolate
- oregano
- peppermint
- raspberry, japanese
- raspberry, red
- raspberry, yellow
- rosemary
- saint johns wort
- sage, purple
- sorrel, wood
- tarragon
- thyme
You pictures are gorgeous! My butternut squash isn't doing much of anyhting yet, but I'm hopeful it's because I just planted the seedlings in a week ago. Can't wait for those blossoms!
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